At the market in Chichicastenango

Superb panorama of Guatemalan women with their families at the market in Chichicastenango.

Under a checkerboard of bare rectangles in pastel colours, the circular shapes of heads and flowers alternate horizontally bringing life and colour to the centre of the canvas. Verticals and diagonals give rhythm to the scene: stems of flowers, long black mats, central pillar, stretched canvas of the market…

Everything vibrates with luminosity: the coppery skins, the reflections of light on the stalls, the black hair, the warm and cold colours of the clothes… and this in a vertical crescendo ending on the slice of a bright red watermelon in the foreground.

Beyond the typical attractiveness of the scene in this Mayan world, the barely sketched faces with closed eyes of the female trio bring a moving interiority, a communion between these beings of different generations in a world of gigantic flowers.