Biography 1957-1961

Banquet of the Salon des Femmes Peintres et Sculpteurs, from left to right, Marie-Louise Bestaux, Germaine Lacaze, Jacqueline Cerrano, Elisabeth Héron de Villefosse (1957)

Germaine Lacaze drawing in Spain (1957)

Salon des Femmes Peintres et Sculpteurs – Germaine Lacaze in front of “Le nu aux coquillages, Juliette” (1958)

Paris Club radio show. Interview by Jacques Chabannes (22 March 1961)

Germaine Lacaze drawing Bernard Lacaze, the son of his first cousin, Rolland (1961)


Member of the Salon d’Automne with “The green bullfighter – the bullfighter’s prayer”.

Silver medal of the French Artists. Participated in the Terres Latines Exhibition. Participated in the Salon Populiste. Travels to Italy (Siena) and Morzine (Haute-Savoie). International prize winner of painting in Vichy.

Germaine Lacaze, from Bordeaux, paints with a spontaneity that does not exclude the plastic solidity of the flesh, a female model at rest in the studio. The suppleness in the rendering of the fabrics, the white undergarment and the yellow bathrobe is completed by the exaltation of the colours.

Paul SENTENAC- La Dépêche du Midi- April 2, 1957


Poussielgue’s Nude Prize at the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts.

Group exhibition at the Galerie Bernheim Jeune Dauberville. Invited to the Salon d’Ile-de-France. Prize of the French Committee of the Union Féminine Artistique et Culturelle (Vth International Women’s Exhibition in Vichy). Silver medal of the Association Arts Sciences et Lettres.  Salon de la Marine.

Trips to Switzerland (Beatenberg), Italy (Sicily) and Spain (Cordoba, Toledo).

Purchase from the Ministry of Public Instruction and Fine Arts.


Prize of Fontainebleau at the “Salon des trois S” Seine, Seine-et-Marne, Seine-et-Oise. Prize of the city of Fontainebleau. Prize for the Portrait at the Salon of Algiers.

Purchase from the City of Paris.


Group exhibition “l’Ecole de Paris” in Evian. Group exhibition organised by the Mirage Gallery in Montpellier. French exhibition in Frankfurt. Elected member of the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts. Awarded the Farman Prize for Still Life at the Salon Nationale des Beaux-Arts. Selected for the Friesz Prize.

Purchase by the City of Paris. Stays in Spain and Switzerland in Zermatt.

Germaine Lacaze paints like the “Fauves” with a lot of pure colours.

                                                        Jean ROLLIN – L’Humanité – 23 June 1960


Private exhibition at the Galerie du Fleuve in Bordeaux.

Group exhibition at the Casino Bellevue in Biarritz.  Group exhibition at the Boissière gallery in Paris. Participated in the Salon d’Ivry and the Salon de Saint-Maur. Bronze medal of the Conseil Général de Seine at the Salon de Montrouge. Prize of the city of Fontainebleau with “Bouquet in the studio”. Radio broadcasts.

Purchase from the City of Paris.

At the Salon de la Nationale des Beaux-Arts … of women, several of whom constitute the best elements of the Salon des Femmes peintres : Lacaze, Yvette Alde.

Raymond COGNIAT – Le Figaro- 28 March 1961

The artist, whose origins are known in Bordeaux, but who is now established in Paris, is an excellent draughtswoman, and one will leaf with interest through the remarkable drawings and watercolours of large format which she presents in boxes.

Her oil paintings, which cover a wide range of genres, show a vigorous temperament, fond of luminosity.

L. SIMIEN – Sud-Ouest – 22 June 1961