Françoise and Isabelle in Villeneuve-le-Comte

This large, high canvas depicts two young women in a garden in the middle of summer, one blonde standing on the right in a blue swimming costume, her right hand on her hip and her left hand grasping an apricot in a fruit bowl, the other with light brown hair, dressed in a summer blouse, sitting on the left, leaning against a round table occupying the lower right-hand corner of the composition, with fruit and a small teapot.

In harmony with their clothes, bunches of foliage and flowers surround the heads of each of the young women in the shade.

Brushes of light illuminate the right arm and abdomen of the blonde girl, as well as a section of the table and part of the background of the garden horizon, marked by a dark green horizontal line.

This is a beautiful Lacazian composition in which foliage, flowers, fruit and women pose in harmony in a garden of Eden, even though the young women, spread out on either side of a diagonal of the painting, seem to be in their own universe.

Painted in the country house of Villeneuve-le-Comte in the summer of 1971, the models are the two daughters of the artist’s first cousin, Paulette Le Bitoux, née Lacaze, from left to right Françoise and Isabelle.