Huehuetenango, the family

This small, wide canvas shows a colourful picture of a Guatemalan family sitting cross-legged in front of two baskets of red fruit.

The black hair of a woman seen from the back stands out in the centre of the canvas, with two superb braids decorated with pieces of orange fabric going down the back, over a red dress spotted with pink lightning.

On the right, two expressionist faces of a woman and a girl stare at us. On the left, in the shadows, a woman painted from the front, her eyes lowered, holds her child in a green shawl against her face. A man wearing a beautiful beige panama hat holds another child in his arms in the background, next to a second girl seen from behind wearing a cap.

A luminous arc creates a curved perspective at the back of the canvas in front of the female guardian placed in the centre of the canvas, like a Buddha showing the way.

The Mayan daily life is made of bright colours in an environment where light and shadow are constantly confronting each other.

This world of sharp pictorial forces could not but fascinate a painter so attached to luminous vibrations.