Garden of La Teste in the evening

This high canvas represents a piece of the Arcachon garden. It is in the evening, and a large vegetable garden delimited by linen drying on a line, in the centre of the canvas, in continuity with a leafy fence in the foreground occupies the canvas. In the background, a few houses with red tiled roofs with two dormer windows, characteristic of the Gironde.

Two figures can be seen blending into their environment, one male busy digging in the lower part of the vegetable garden and the other female hanging laundry.

This superb painting with a modest subject illustrates the flamboyant style of the artist in the 1960s, where the touches of colour bring out the luminosity of life, however simple it may be.

The garden painted is that of the house of the artist’s father’s first cousin, Nini, and her husband, André Pannebiau, whose daughter Michou so often served as a model. This garden is located in La Teste, a commune bordering Arcachon.