The Pink Tablecloth

This brilliant still life celebrates the intense pink of a tablecloth irradiated with bright orange lilies and incandescent yellow roses. The cool colours of the background highlight the table placed at the bottom, slightly off-centre on the left, like a setting sun.

The table, with its upright perspective in the foreground and its perfectly circular outline, dominates the entire work, even though its centre is occupied by a bouquet that links the two poles of the canvas. The right-hand side is structured by the back of a blue chair in shadow, which is matched on the left by a distant view of a roof and another chair. The background consists solely of dark green patches in the middle and blue patches in the upper part, which are also rounded. White or yellow spots pierce the canvas with flashes of light that make the bouquet swirl like a pictorial manifesto.

This work is a hymn to light that makes the colours, which the artist has chosen in limited numbers, burst forth across the spectrum. The light setting is so powerful that it overturns the table surrounded by two chairs that come together in a colourful and seemingly disordered round, where one guesses that the objects are merely a pretext for the pleasure of painting luminous vibrations.

The words of the gallery owner Hans Peter Bülher, written on the occasion of an exhibition devoted to Germaine Lacaze in Munich in 1987, apply perfectly : “The seduction of Germaine Lacaze is called colour: a bouquet of green shades, a debauchery of pinkish pink, which in the end can be called rosé-Lacaze, then blue, red, orange, a symphony of jubilant colours, or Eden for those who know how to see it (Maurice Tassart).