The street of the embroiderers

A vision of a steep street in a Spanish village with a predominantly blue-green colour, which a woman in black with a donkey loaded with bales is climbing in the centre of the canvas. In the background, an orange house in full light raises its chimney towards an implacable blue sky. Embroideresses sitting in the foreground, left and right, in the shadow of their doorways, complete the scene.

The canvas is a patchwork of sunny and shady areas, constructed both by the alternating use of cold colours (blue, white and light green) and complementary warm colours (orange, pink and yellow), and by the exaggerated perspective of the houses in an alleyway painted like a U-shaped glacial valley.

The brushstrokes and the choice of colours translate the brutal energies of light and shadow which, like the men and their animals, have been shaping the arid beauty of these Spanish villages for centuries.