A flaming still life of a bouquet of orange-red lilies springing from a brown pottery vase on a purple table, above a cloud of white flowers, all set against a background of golden yellow setting – one can literally feel the summer heat. This work is particularly impressive because of the strength of the warm colours chosen, the arrangement of the masses in space and the diversity of the paint strokes.
The edges of the table and the edge of the wall serve as an orthogonal reference point to preserve the space above the table where the bouquet is displayed. Books and chair backs in the foreground, houses under a sunny sky in perspective in the background on the left, complete the geometric construction. Thus protected and highlighted in their environment, the two groups of flowers can vibrate in balance, each in its own tonality, the white flowers bringing freshness and calm to the masses of fawn colour.
More than a summer bouquet painted on the Arcachon basin, this canvas is a poetic symphony of burning light vibrations, whose different structured movements fascinate our gaze wherever it goes. The painting has long adorned the living room of the artist’s country house in Villeneuve-le-Comte.