Castile eggs

Spanish still life, earthy and alive, structured around an old open basket filled with white eggs, placed three-quarters on a yellow ochre table, with red peppers in the foreground, a jar of water or wine on the left and facades of Spanish village houses in the background in blue-green on the right and pale pink on the left.

It is the immaculate white color of the shells, highlighted by the browns of the wicker basket, that catches our eye before the bright red of the twisted peppers circulates it to one side or the other of the basket.

The diversity of painted forms, the abrupt shift of the two planes, the use of a wide range of warm and cold colours in staggered rows, are there to enhance the virginal beauty of these eggs, symbols of life, whose luminosity is such that it even seems to be reflected on the window with balcony of the house placed diagonally along the axis of the basket.