Mexico, Mitla, the cakes (las tortillas)

Very beautiful vision of women in the shade under large tarpaulins in the market of Mitla, a pre-Columbian city in the Mexican state of Oaxaca, with, on the left, an Indian woman, dressed in a large purple dress, kneading pancakes with her eyes closed, her head tilted to her left, On the right, in front of a foreground consisting of a basket of cakes, a stove and a stall of garlic, the perspective of several women seen from behind, in front and in profile selling fruit. The vision of white and ochre buildings in the sun is the central vanishing point of the work.

The inclination of the bodies, the diagonals of the canvases, the articulation of the planes and volumes, the spiral and depth composition, everything captivates our gaze, including the immense flowers whose white colour blazes in this bluish atmosphere.