Paris, blue kiosk in the evening

Candle on a pavement in Paris, tree-lined, seen in the evening in the rain, animated by silhouettes protecting themselves with purple umbrellas. The stage is illuminated by a strong central brush of yellow light emanating from the parallelepiped entrance of a blue kiosk. Other lights create a perspective on the horizon.

With its frieze, dome and cutaways, the kiosk structures the entire right height of the canvas. A red and yellow striped fabric is a counterpart, but it is above all the wet reflections on the pavement of the city lights that constitute the subject of the work.

The slender silhouettes of passers-by participate with the tree trunks in the circulation of our gaze from bottom to top.  In the sky, bare tree branches painted horizontally make it fall on spherical umbrellas.

In perpetual motion, passing from shadow to light, this view of a simple Parisian sidewalk in the evening in the rain exudes an atmosphere and a spleen with hyptnotic poetry.