Paris, wet spring

Superb painting of a common Parisian scene of a few passers-by strolling along a pavement in the rain or waiting for their bus, under two large black trees with slightly leafy branches meeting at the top, with a Wallace fountain and a bus stop post as the only decorative elements.

The view is perhaps that of the pavement of the Quai des Grands-Augustins in front of the Pont Neuf with its Wallace fountain; on the horizon, the Louvre in a pale orange line, as well as the booksellers and the plane trees of the Quai de Conti, are barely sketched.

But the real subject of the work are the reflections of light on the wet pavement and the play of colours in which the artist makes us participate between the intense blacks of the tree trunks dominating the canvas, the tender greens of the first leaves of spring, the orange pinks of the sky, of the umbrella and the more vivid ones of the little girl’s clothes in the foreground, with the intense reds and oranges of the bus stop post that excite the cold palette of the canvas.

The forms of everyday life serve as a medium for the colourful Lacazian song, which uses rainwater to miraculously transfigure two Parisian plane trees into a Romanesque vault and the caryatid of a Wallace fountain into a Madonna in her oratory.