Flowered patio (Cordoba)

This drawing is of the interior garden of a beautiful house in Córdoba with its typical architecture, where stones and plants harmonise graphically. The column in the foreground, supporting lobed arches, runs parallel to the trunk of the central palm tree in the garden, allowing our eye to move up and down to discover the details of the flowered patio: the large-tiled canopy protecting a half-closed wooden door, the balustrade in the roof, the dark skylight above the right-hand door … and the many potted plants.

The sketchy but firm style of the drawing, with angles of view with broadened perspectives and cross-hatched or white parts, suggests a real joy of the artist in juxtaposing areas of light and shadow with his single pen of Indian ink.

The artist bears witness to the balanced and abundant beauty of this art of Spanish interior gardens. We can imagine this place, crushed by heat, closed and open at the same time, full of secrets and hidden lives, as suggested by the sketch of the only human face in the scene, drawn like a wink, on the right door step.