Small nude on a wall hanging

The very small size of this small female nude was obviously not a handicap for the artist, who has superbly rendered the beautiful luminosity of a naked body with blond hair. Half seated, three-quarters facing, the woman rests her forehead on her left forearm placed on the backrest. Her body is positioned between a cold-coloured hanging on the right and a warm-coloured garment (or another hanging), all on a crimson background.

The nude model hides her face, which the artist lets us guess is red with modesty, and her raised arm reveals a bare young breast.

With strokes ranging from yellow ochre to light yellow, the artist models the volumes of the body with her brush and subjects it to frontal light, with a few dark brushstrokes to emphasise the shape of the body.

The canvas is constructed vertically (body, stripes, folds of fabric, left thigh). A few obliques emerge: that of the right thigh, that of the blonde hairstyle and that of the model’s left forearm. The construction of the painting is based on a body separating the cold colours on the right from the warm colours on the left. Despite this, we find them directly juxtaposed at the bottom of the canvas (solid blue and bright red under the model’s right thigh).

Painted in a dynamic of restrained gestures, this beautiful nude exudes great modesty despite its complete nudity.