Portrait of Jacqueline Cerrano at the age of thirty

This portrait of the painter Jacqueline Cerrano seated three-quarter facing the painter is a particularly original tribute from a woman painter to another woman painter.

Treated with a sobriety of colours, this portrait stands out on a simple green background. It expresses a true character who asserts, with her particularly well-groomed eyes and hands, her profession as a painter.

Jacqueline Cerrano, born in Nice in 1920, died in Paris in 2007, is a French painter-engraver of neo-expressionist style. Trained at the Ecole Nationale des Arts Décoratifs in Nice from 1937 to 1941 and at the Beaux-Arts in Paris from 1945 to 1947, she also had a career as a drawing teacher. Often awarded (Chenavard Prize for engraving in 1947, Grand Prix des Arts de la Ville de Paris in 1960, Grand Prix de l’Union des Femmes Peintres et Sculpteurs in 1972), she became a member of the Salon d’Automne in 1975 and exhibited in the main Parisian and suburban salons. She travelled to North Africa, Spain, Greece, Italy and Mali.