Portrait of the artist’s mother

This beautiful portrait of the artist’s mother, painted from the front, sitting in an armchair with her left hand holding a piece of fabric in front of a table with a bouquet and sewing scissors in the foreground, is original both in its layout – the model’s axis is positioned at an angle, slightly shifted to the left – and in the open gaze of the model’s eyes with their highly emphasised eye brows, whose graphism with the hair echoes the décolleté of the black dress.

The brushstrokes are light, and the flat black and white paints bring out two pictorial areas that seem to be out of line with each other.

The artist’s mother, Marie Célina Lacaze, née Chabres, (1887-1953), known as Jeanne, was known for her very amiable character. She was very supportive of her only daughter’s painting career, recognising it as her life’s passion.

This painting was offered to the Musée des Beaux-arts de Bordeaux by the artist in December 1993, a few weeks before her death.