Venice, the 6th fleet

Superb circular view of the Venice basin from the Quai degli Schiavoni, where the boats moored in a herringbone pattern in the foreground lead us to the right towards the pink mass of the Doges’ Palace illuminated by the setting sun, with the Grand Canal as a vanishing point. Then the green shadow of the Church of the Salute stands out against the glowing sky. Finally, the bow of an aircraft carrier coming from the Canaregio canal and the sterns of two other ships of the American VIth Fleet lead us back to the foreground from the left.

The originality of the confrontation between the past and the present of these two maritime powers, with the point of the customs office appearing to be the prow of a ship that completes the naval parade. The campanile of Saint Mark’s could be the chimney of the “liner Venice”, now docked, among its fleet of vaporettos, tugs and passenger ships.